Hoping to join Weymouth Pickleball Club? There are two routes to joining – one for experienced players of all levels from entry to advanced and one for new and inexperienced players.If you’ve played regularly before, have a good understanding of the rules and scoring and can maintain a reasonable game for your level, please email us at jurassiccoastersweymouth@gmail.com
Just let us know about your experience and play level and we’ll contact you regarding membership.
If you’re new to the game or you’ve played a bit and are still aiming to maintain a beginner level rally, we ask you to attend 1:1 or group tuition before joining. You’ll find details of independent L1 and L2 instructors and coaches at www.pickleballengland.org.
One of these is South Dorset based Paddle Up Pickleball, details and contact form below.
"Paddle Up Pickleball" - offer a range of pickleball coaching and intro session in the Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester area.
Below is an example of how a typical 2 hour intro session will run:
The first hour covers game rules & various shots.
General Rules: -
You will learn about Court Layout, Player Positioning, Service , Scoring, No Volley Zone (The Kitchen), 3rd Shot Bounce
Shots: -
You will learn about Serving, Dinking, 3rd Shot Drops, Blocking, Resetting, Volleying & Driving.
The second hour will be largely given over to gameplay and practicing the techniques you've learnt in the first hour.
Game Play:
The session will conclude with a few games were you will put your new found skills into practice and the coaches will be able to give you advice on improving your technique.
Moving on -> Beginners Sessions:
After the sessions you will be invited to join beginners sessions (if you wish). These run regularly and allow you to develop the skills you have learnt and give you the confidence to join the main club sessions.
NOTE: - Due to popularity these courses book up very quickly and it is done on a first come first serve basis.
If you're interested take a step into the worlds fastest growing sport, please register your interest below.